Tarot Reading, with Gypsy Oracle Tarot Card. The Card of House in Tarot Circles known as the Magician Priest of the Sun, power, transmission of Divine Consciousness into human life- form. In Greek the Magician or the House is known as Beta B. from Sanskrit Mag, maga, magos, which word become magus and the exact translation is 'The Unification of gamAgamakArin, the Universe within you.'.  It is a reminder that life is only a temporary state. Life is a fulfilment of an obligation at a predetermined spot (Your body). Obligation fulfilled with the purpose of purification.

The Gypsy Oracle Tarot, helping you with a short description explaining how the card is affected by its position in the spread.
The Gypsy Oracle Tarot has many images, which seems to be a puzzle. The only way to understand these pictures is by knowing their origin. For example, what is less well known is that these images are echos, left from ancient times, portraying mythological characters. The card of Sighs, for instance, relating to the mythology of Pothos. He is a representation of such a desire, which cannot be attained. Another card, the Doctor, seems to have a straightforward message, yet, it traces back to Soteria, the goddess or personified spirit of safety, deliverance and preservation from harm. The card of Waiting speaks of Desire, showing a window to a vast landscape, allowing light and sight into your mind, a portrayal of inspiration.


Details of the Tarot eBook

Today there are so many cards to chose from and so many ways of reading them that no one can be sure which one is right, which one to chose. This Art Deco Tarot eBook is helping you to understand how the different positions of each card affect the card next to it. The Tarot Book is written according to the ancient Gypsy tradition, using the Sanskrit language to explain the original meaning of each card.

Pages: 128 pages
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Format: FlipPage eBook.
Pages: 128 pages

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How do you read Gypsy Oracle Fortune Telling Cards...



This Oracle card Conversation holds an ancient secret, called the 'Meeting Place'. Some Gypsy Card is showing conversation as a party, such as the Art Deco Tarot. The origin of this image traces back to the Sanskrit word pratiSThA, which become the 'Pool of Bethesda, the House of Mercy in the bible. It is representing base, stability, security, healing, foundation, river, and this word connects the conversation card to the card of Hope, allowing light and sight into the mind.

Dialogue, conversation helps you heal when you are going through difficult times. With communication, you can see the situation from a new or different perspective. It can help shed light on how to get through a problem. It will aid you to find new ideas, supporting you to move forward. A conversation can make all the difference, transforming you.

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